All 5k’s Should Be Sponsored by Breweries

So it’s been quite awhile since I ran a race of any kind.  Despite the competitive nature of Crossfit workouts, a dedicated race always seems to make me try a little harder, particularly when it’s a run.

I’ve been having trouble recently pushing myself on runs.  I’m not sure if it’s because last time I tried to ramp up my running, I hurt myself, or because I usually use the run portion of WODs to recover from the other exercises, or just because I’m lazy, but it’s been hard to do anything more than a pretty relaxed 3 mile run when I hit the streets.

But a race can change all that.  My last 3 runs before the race, I was averaging a 9:28 mile.  And no, this was not part of any designed taper.  This past Saturday at the Rahr and Sons Oktoberfest 5k?  7:48.  Yes, I’m sure that nicer weather had something to do with it, but I’m positive it was more the attitude that surrounds a race.  There’s always someone to chase down.  Always footsteps behind you (I HATE that).  And always some 80 year old who cruises by you like you’re standing still.  I’d honestly forgotten that feeling, but I am going to try to run some more races to keep that motivation.  My hope is that before I turn 30, I finish a 5k running a sub 7 minute mile.

And can I add that beer makes an AMAZING recovery drink.  Seriously.  It’s cold, refreshing, and I’m sure there’s some science to justify it as a carbohydrate replenishment in the same light as Gatorade.  And it tastes really good.  The only problem is when they give you 3 x 16 oz beers, and start the race at 9 am.  Given that I don’t eat a lot before a run, I had three beers on a mostly empty stomach after a run before 11 am.  Glad I wasn’t driving.  But as long as you’ve got someone to safely get you home, it makes a great incentive to bust your ass to the finish!

So get out there and race!

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